Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

My Experience

Many people wonders about the different of living in science and in social. Science will always resulting one result from many things. In the other hand, social will always resulting many things from a simple word.

I do not want to be a Cheap person!!!

Being cheap is not always good. A week ago, I was planning to be cheap. I planned to get back from choir practice at a private school to dormitory by TransMusi, a kind of public transportation in Palembang city. I was actually had another choice to get back but as I wanted to be cheap, I chose TransMusi instead of Angkot. By TransMusi I only need to pay 3000 rupiah but for angkot, I need to pay 4000 rupiah. 

Exactly at 6 pm, I got in to TransMusi bus and having a long journey to Agung mosque. I stopped there at 6.30 pm and waiting for another TransMusi bus with another colour in a Transit terminal. With arround fifty people, I stood up waiting for the bus for about an hour. A bus come but it was full. I need to wait for another bus again for about half an hour and I got a bus. Luckilly, I still could get in to the bus although it seemed like had no space to breathe. 

I continued my journey passed Ampere bridge. but I could not enjoy my journey in a bus with little chance of breathing. At that time, I prefered breathing instead of enjoying the beautiful view of Ampera Bridge at night. For about 15 minutes, I arrived at another Transit Terminal.

At the Transit Terminal in Plaju, a name of an area in Palembang, I was waiting for the last TransMusi. I had to stand up again but without even a person accompanied me. Sometimes my hairs on my hands were standing up like there was a ghost at the back. For about 20 minutes, a bus came. I was so happy to have the bus. Unfortunately, when I wanted to get in to the bus, the person inside said that the bus would not get in to Jakabaring, a place in palembang where my dormitory is. he said that the bus would go to Kertapati. I thought it was joking but unfortunately he said the truth. Then, I had to find angkot to get back to dormitory.

Another unfortunate thing happened. There was no any Angkot at that night. I was trying to say " all is well... all is well.... all is well..." but the condition was getting worse. So, I decided to walk from that terminal to dormitory and it was not a short disdance. It is arround 10 Kilometers long! then I walk.... walk.... and walk.... and luckily I arrived at dormitory. At the next day, I got sick and could not get in to school. Pretty good experience right ? Because of 1000 rupiah, I had to lose my time, walk for 10 Km long, sick, and lose the lesson.

From that moment on, I do not have any desire to be a cheap person anymore. 

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